Bike Check: Jordan Lunn - Identiti Krisis
10 September 2012 | By AngusMcIntosh | 1 CommentWe caught up with Jordan Lunn, 4x extraordinare, National Champion and all round nice guy at round 6 of the British 4x series at South West Extreme in Bideford.
Name - Jordan Lunn
Bike - Identiti Krisis
Sponsors - Identity, Schwalbe, Gusset, TSG, Halo, Renthal
Describe your riding style in three words - Fast, Smooth and Wippy
What's your favourite bit of kit on your bike?
My favourite bit of kit is the carbon seat, it looks really cool and I get loads of questions about it.
Do you have any prototype parts or stuff the public can't get hold of on your bike?
The seat is a prototype, the wheels I'm running are a pair of carbon fibre prototypes and Last week some custom ODI grips came through with my name and "National Champion" on the lock-on collars. I also have a cut down cassete so i'm only running 5 speed to save a bit of weight.
How would you describe the set up of your bike?
High front end, really stiff and a long back end to stop the wheelies out of the gate. Everything is just built for the job and is as light and stiff as I can get it.
What have been your best results so far this year?
Best results this year are National Champion for the juniors. 4 wins from five rounds in the national series (Jordan took the win for round 6 shortly after the interview making it 5 Wins from 6) and a top 30 in my first world cup. Its been a pretty good year!
What part makes the biggest difference on your bike?
The tyres make the biggest difference for me. I ride a pair of Schwalbe Nobbly Nics. I could never go with any other brand.
A big thanks to Jordan Lunn.... More Bike Checks coming SOON